Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Your lipsync in front of green screen

Lipsync work

Ok so you all went down to green screen room and began to lipsync on the cameras and your mobile phones....great!!

Upload your files or download from shared drive:
New A2 Greenscreen June16

Each individual lipsync needs to be edited (with screenshot evidence) in appropriate editing software.

Sony Vegas, MovieMaker, iMovie, Premier Pro

Final versions and drafts to be posted with analysis please.

If on green screen you may decided to superimpose a background relevant to your song lyrics, genre etc.

Have fun and remember to evidence your progress.

Video Analysis needs to be posted on your blog please

Video Analysis of both Five  pre-set videos and your Four Videos need to be posted please.

You will need to post screen shots of your process to help with Visual analysis (some have created work in Powerpoint).

Some of you may use gifs, sections of video to show your meaning, some of you may do voiceovers.

Deadline has passed chaps so this needs to be up before Sat night.

Thanks, I look forward to seeing your work.

Mrs McD-H

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

A2 Year Overview handed out today

Today we looked at and I explained our year ahead on the A2 course.

I gave out two sets of documents:

1. Overview of INDIVIDUAL blogs

2. Overview of GROUP blog posts

Already you are researching the FIVE videos set and you have FOUR of your own videos to review.
All posts and research/ information with relevant links are to be up by Thursday evening please.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Diversity in the Media Careers Event Pix

Ngunan Adamu

Producer/Presenter UpFront Show BBC Radio Merseyside

Abdullah Quhill - Script Supervisor - Lime Productions


Abdullah Quhill - Script Supervisor - Lime Productions

Lorraine Sebastion-Francois Liverpool Student Union President 2015 -16

Friday, 10 June 2016

Intertextuality in Music Videos

Ok watch this to begin with:

You are to watch all of these videos in full and also
Robbie Williams, Rock DJ an abstract piece.

You are to analyse these videos (5) and pop a still image of each on your blog with an insight into style, techniques used, genre, lighting, director, mis-en-scene, year produced & lyrics.

You are to choose THREE of your own videos that you like and add link and stills to video.
Then evaluate as above.

Insight into style, techniques used, genre, lighting, director, mis-en-scene, year produced & lyrics.

Have fun and I look forward to your responses.

Personal is best please chaps.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Welcome to A2

Hello all and welcome to the beginning of your 
A2 course.

I hope you had a great half term and you are all ready to embark on your next two units of work

Ancillary Task & Main Task: 
Music Video

Critical Perspectives:
Two topics from six topics to be studied & coursework presented for external moderation

G325 Exam - June 2017