Friday 30 September 2016

Four Favourite Videos analysis - What makes an Effective Muisc Video?

Four Favourite Videos each - Analysis on Individual blog.

Describe what you are doing and why on your individual blog and introduce your new group blog on your post, name etc, who is in your group.

You can really vary your styles of analysis:

Written analysis, still images and clips can be included.
Audio analysis includes still and clips
Video analysis include stills and clips

Helpful questions to assist you are:

1. Instant Impact
2. Non-Linear editing
3. Repetitions
4. Strong sense of artist Identity
5. A Performance
6. Visual Pleasures
7. Wow Factor?
8. Provoke a reaction
9. Works on different levels......which are????
10. Pop culture?
11. Genre?
12. Mis en scene
13. Cost?
12. Director - what else have they produced/ directed

Have fun

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